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Justice and Legal Interns
Bring on students from RMIT University to be your interns! You may be from an agency related to police, corrections, law courts. There is a wide range of options for our students to deliver projects for your organisation. Our students come from undergraduate and postgraduate levels, that focus on social justice, criminal justice, criminology, psychology and dispute resolution. We are based in Melbourne, Australia and are keen to work with you online either synchronously or asynchronously..
Innovative solutions to business problems
We are seeking business partners to work collaboratively and share different insights into business problems with accounting/business students from Australia. These students are 4th year undergraduate students in their final year of study. The students have gained exposure to real life business problems from their 12 month placement in the workforce and have developed problem solving skills which can be applied to the identification of innovative solutions to business problems.
Social Media Strategy Assessment and Design
In the current business landscape, a strong social media presence can help you promote your products and services and win clients. Strengthen your presence with an assessment conducted by Information Systems students who will review your company’s social media presence to ensure consistent branding and messaging across platforms.
A Voice for Youth
Let us help you with your workload! We are looking to do a project which will benefit young people. If you are a Community agency and/or an NGO who advocate for young people with social issues, such as homelessness, youth disengagement from community/education, alcohol and other drugs, unemployment, domestic violence, indigenous issues and LGBTQI, we are able to work with you to provide a platform and voice through the many projects we are able to create. The aim of the projects for our Youth Work students, is to provide mentorship and/or guidance for young people to take action on issues about which they are passionate about. Our students will require contact with a group of at least 2 young people as part of the project. We are based in Melbourne, Australia and can work with you online, both synchronously and asynchronously. Your youth people aged 10 to 25 years old, can be located anywhere in the globe.
International Market Entry Business Plan
BUSM 4385
Students from RMIT’s International Business Module of the Associate Degree in Business are required to create an international market-entry business plan for a partner organisation. The company can be based in any country and plan expansion to any other country. Students will create an external analysis of the country market(s) to be considered before recommending market entry implementation strategies.
Work Integrated Learning in Data Analytics
The project addresses the application of analytics and statistics in a real world situation and is a capstone project for final year Master students. Our students have extensive knowledge in data extraction and preprocessing, data wrangling and exploration, data visualization, machine learning, forecasting, multivariate analysis, quality control and experimental design. Computing skills include querying language (SQL), scripting language (R, Python) & statistical language (R, SAS).
Data Science Postgraduate Project
Students will dedicate 240 hours over a 12 week period to complete a data science based project. We ask that the client e-meets candidates for 1 hour a week to keep them on track. This is a project-based course where students learn through meetings and informal discussions with other students, the project manager and client. Their learning is in the ’doing’, where students will carry out all the necessary steps to successfully complete the project. All learning activities in this course are based on applying data science knowledge in a process of planning and executing a substantial research-based project or industry-sponsored capstone project experience.
Strategic Market Insights- Consumer behaviour in Australia
Marketing within Australia poses a unique set of challenges and opportunities. In an ever-shifting market driven by technology, connecting with Australians audience requires a strong, data-informed strategy. In this project, a group of students will conduct primary and secondary market research to specify the needs/ desires, perceptions, attitudes and subsequent behaviour of your target market and develop recommendations based on their findings with respect to your challenge/area of focus.
Sustainable Building Investigation
This is a final semester course for the Master of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building Programme. Students will do a project based on topics around sustainable buildings. This course includes a work integrated learning experience in which the knowledge and skills gained will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/ or community is integral to student experience. the project will be supervised by an academic staff.
PR and Communication - Virtual Internship
Virtual Internship Opportunity Bring on one or more students to be your virtual interns! Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students must complete between minimum 80 hours to a maximum 120 hours at their placement that will take place between start of July to the end of October 2021 (There is some flexibility in the start and end dates.) Weekly hours can be set up individually with each company, but a minimum of 8 hours per week (1 day) must be provided for the student to successfully complete the academic course. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, student placements will only occur virtually. This virtual internship opportunity is credit-bearing.
Sustainable Building Investigation
This is a final semester course for the Master of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building Programme. Students will do a project based on topics around sustainable buildings. This course includes a work integrated learning experience in which the knowledge and skills gained will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/ or community is integral to student experience. the project will be supervised by an academic staff.
Solving your International Business & Logistics Problems
This is a capstone project for Diploma of Logistics and International Business students. We would like to help you solve a business problem with our skills. This could be assistance with importing and exporting functions, warehousing management, distribution operations, transport and freight forwarding and supply chain. We have a diversity of young, emotionally intelligent students, with fresh minds who can develop logistic strategies and plan to incorporate transports and logistic systems, international distribution and contract negotiation. We are based in Melbourne, Australia and are keen to work with you online. Our Diploma of Logistics/International Business students will be using your project to complement their learning outcomes. We have an open, adaptive and innovative way of looking at life and business, that can make a difference to your business activities.
Psychology for Your Community
In groups of 3-5, the team will dedicate 120 hours each to the project (360-600 hours). Our students have various skills in the area of psychology including strong; theoretical knowledge base in psychology including brain-behaviour relationships, social/cultural/developmental/personality psychology Social/psychological research and statistical analysis Strong interpersonal skills Analysis and critical thinking insight into mental health and mental health disorders across the lifespan Understanding how patterns of behaviour and habits occur; how to change perspectives and beliefs leading to behaviour change Community engagement
Data Analytics
Data Sci Requirements 240 hours over a 12 week period Typically completed in groups (unless otherwise authorised by academic) ExaPrototype approach to identifying culture in businesses using natural language processing. Establishing correlations and relationships between variables to improve mailouts.Predicting and estimating part attributes that are useful for determining. Analysing survey data to identify sentiment towards identified topics and product/brand. Predicting and identifying students at risk of failure for early intervention. Building of dashboards to summarise and analyse company’s performance. Cleaning and merging of multiple data sets to perform subsequent summarisation and analysis.
Social Media Strategy Assessment and Design
In the current business landscape, a strong social media presence can help you promote your products and services and win clients. Strengthen your presence with an assessment conducted by Information Systems students who will review your company’s social media presence to ensure consistent branding and messaging across platforms.
Innovative solutions to business problems
We are seeking business partners to work collaboratively and share different insights into business problems with accounting/business students from Australia. These students are 4th year undergraduate students in their final year of study. The students have gained exposure to real life business problems from their 12 month placement in the workforce and have developed problem solving skills which can be applied to the identification of innovative solutions to business problems.
New ideas for your Business
This is a capstone project for Diploma of Business students. We would like to help you solve a business problem with our skills. This could be assistance with a social media campaign, moving in to new markets or broadening your audience. We have a diversity of young, emotionally intelligent students, with fresh minds who can bring new ideas, digital and social media literacy. We are based in Melbourne, Australia and are keen to work with you online. Our Diploma of Business students will be using your project to help complete their assessments for their final unit. Students are allocated six weeks to complete the task. We have an open, adaptive and innovative way of looking at life and business, that can make a difference to your marketing and business activities.
Data Science Postgraduate Project
The Data Science Postgraduate Project provides students in the Masters of Data Science program with work integrated learning (WIL) with industry and non-profit organisations. They conduct data science focused projects via (remote) placements with their host organisations. The students are typically in their final year of a 2 year Masters program, and would have completed courses and subjects in data preprocessing and analysis, data visualisation, machine learning and data mining, cloud computing and data science pipelines. The students may also either studied and have prior backgrounds in social media analysis, text processing, deep learning, forecasting and other data science/data analysis fields. The students will be placed with a host organisation over a 12-14 week period, work with the host closely from requirements refinement (from initial agreed requirements with the coordinator), approach planning, executing the plan, perform analysis and reporting and passing on deliverables.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Business Design Project
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Business Design Project 1 is a course in the final year of the 4-year program, Bachelor of Business (Logistics & Supply Chain) Applied. It involves the development of a project from conception to implementation. So we are seeking real challenges that will run over 24 teaching weeks (2 semesters).
Work Integrated Learning in Data Analytics
The project addresses the application of analytics and statistics in a real world situation and is a capstone project for final year Master students. Our students have extensive knowledge in data extraction and preprocessing, data wrangling and exploration, data visualization, machine learning, forecasting, multivariate analysis, quality control and experimental design. Computing skills include querying language (SQL), scripting language (R, Python) & statistical language (R, SAS).
Preparing Financial Statements
Beginning in March, RMIT students in Melbourne, Australia will prepare financial statements for your business or dealing with accounting issues related to the accounting standards that may arise in your business. These activities give students a learning opportunity and providing you with an opportunity to assess talent for your hiring pipeline.
EMBA and MBA consulting
Every organisation encounters certain challenges internally and/or externally. This project provides the opportunity for your organisation to propose a real business challenge, and receive real business solutions from EMBA and MBA students.
International Market Entry Business Plan
BUSM 4385/DKA 16
Students from RMIT’s International Business Module of the Associate Degree in Business will be working together with students from Dundalk's Global Marketing program. The program requires students to create an international market-entry business plan for a partner organization. The company can be based in any country and plan expansion to any other country. Such an assignment is also key to DKiT’s Global Marketing program and for the last 3 years, the two universities have worked together, combining student cohorts to deliver a project plan for a client organization. Students will create an external and market analysis of the country market(s) to be considered before recommending market entry implementation strategies.
Human Resources
Does your company want ideas and input from undergraduate students on human resource initiatives such as onboarding, hiring, training or evaluating employees? Beginning in early January 2021, RMIT students in Singapore will provide ideas and recommendations based on their research, experience and perspectives.
Develop and Manage PR Campaigns
We are looking for organisations with a PR need or problem to solve. You will be working with a group of 3 students. Students will individually present campaigns on which the organisation will vote. Selection criteria will be offered to support this approach.
Improve Your Youth Connections
There is a wide range of options for our students to deliver projects for your organization. You might be a community or welfare agency, education provider, health service, local government, startup, or a for profit company specializing in young people. Our students have a wide range of skills relating to youth and their communities. Specialities include, housing, drugs and alcohol, safety and violence prevention, health and mental health, indigenous, LGBTIQ, youth engagement, employment and education.
Improve your Tourism or Hospitality Business Outcomes
Our students are available for assisting to solve any business problem (internal or external) related to the Tourism & Hospitality industry. Our students offer recommendations for marketing campaigns, design (property or website), human resources challenges or other business improvement outcomes. This course is focused on soft-skills development and as an elective we have students from many disciplines enrolled bringing with them a variety of talents and interests from the School of Business and Management. We are based in Vietnam and are looking forward to working with you online.
Masters Developing Countries Project
In emerging developing countries, middle-class population is growing. Our postgraduate students in Master of International Development in School of Global, Urban and Social Studies will help your company identify this untapped market and grow your business in these developing countries. With a high level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, our students will analyze local demands and supply and potential risks in business operation. We are interested in partnering with private business including MNCs and SMEs which are interested in developing countries as market and also local governments in the development context.
Human Resources Consulting
In spring 2021, students in Australia (RMIT University Melbourne) and USA (Buffalo University New York) will work together to research a Human Resource management topic (i.e. recruitment, selection, Training & development, Performance management, Reward management). They will conduct a comprehensive literature review and investigate a specific human resource topic on behalf of a Client (business organisation). Any potential gaps between the literature and the practical application of the Client’s proposed topic will be identified and recommendations made for improvement.
Business development in Asian markets
Are you a private company or non-profit organisation looking for business opportunities in Asia? Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of Asian markets and the cultural, political and economic dimensions of the country or region? Is your business looking to create impact to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? We can help you with any of these points by delivering market analyses, contextual analyses or marketing plans . We can also help identify the activities that are necessary to ensure your business is delivering impact towards the achievement of the SDGs. Our students have a strong understanding of history, political economy and international relations in Asia, and the religious, social and political traditions that impact on trade and investment, international exchange and cooperation. They can assist you to navigate complex cultures and assess how this might shape future business and professional practice.