Aidan Martin
Learner - She
The Clean Divorce
The Clean Divorce
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Review & refine our Divorce Roadmap System

The project is to review and refine our Divorce Roadmap system. The main goal for the project is to improve the existing system to better meet the pressing need and foster better social, emotional, and economic outcomes for kids, parents, and communities going through the divorce process. This will involve several different steps, including: - Analyzing the current Divorce Roadmap system and identifying areas for improvement. - Gathering feedback from users and stakeholders to understand pain points and areas of improvement. - Refining the system to make it more user-friendly and effective in preventing and addressing issues related to divorce. - Testing the refined system and making necessary adjustments based on user feedback and testing results. - Developing a comprehensive plan for the implementation of the refined system.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 4
The Professor Inc
The Professor Inc
King City, Ontario, Canada

Exploring Interpretivist Data Analysis through Grounded Theory

The Professor Inc seeks to deepen its understanding of qualitative data analysis by employing interpretivist methodologies. This project focuses on utilizing grounded theory techniques, specifically open-coding and axial coding, to analyze datasets provided by the company. The goal is to uncover patterns and themes that can inform future research and decision-making processes. Learners will apply classroom knowledge of qualitative research methods to real-world data, enhancing their analytical skills. The project involves a systematic approach to coding, categorizing, and synthesizing data, allowing students to experience the iterative nature of grounded theory. By engaging in this project, learners will gain hands-on experience in qualitative analysis, contributing to their academic and professional development. There may be some transcription of provided audio data. - Transcribe some data is possible Analyze a dataset using grounded theory techniques. - Identify patterns and themes through open-coding and axial coding. - Synthesize findings to provide insights for The Professor Inc.

Matches 1
Category Data analysis + 2