Indigo Jain
Indigo Jain
Marketing strategy Media


Intrapreneurship 3 Marketing 3 Content creation 2 Marketing strategies 2 Blog posts 1 Branding 1 Business development 1 Collaborative software 1 Community resilience 1 Consulting 1 Digital marketing 1 Empathy 1 Innovation 1 Lifting ability 1 Mobile application development 1 Multilingualism 1 Newsletters 1 Organic growth 1 Planning 1 Presentations 1 Public relations 1 Resilience 1 Sales 1 Sales letters 1 Social media 1 Social media strategy 1 Software development 1 Software release life cycle 1 Training documentation 1


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Recent projects

Qualicum Beach, British Columbia, Canada

Spriggli - Marketing & Media - Venture for Canada Intrapreneurship Project

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Spriggli helps to build meaningful community engagement through our online booking system connecting event organizers, venues, and service providers in the community. Spriggli also allows for guests to RSVP or for tickets to be sold. The entire system allows for each user to define their terms, conditions, cancellations policies, list their availability, and accept bookings with guaranteed payment for the services to be provided, as Spriggli collects payment up front on behalf of the parties – acting as the agent of trust between them. Listing with and using Spriggli is free, we collect a 5% service fee from users only when a fee-for-service booking is made. So that means all free and volunteer services, events and venues listings can use the listing and booking system for free. Launching this August after three years of conceptual and online development, Spriggli will start by building a small and robust base of users, then focus on an organic growth strategy that will keep meaningful connections, community resilience and growth at its heart. HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE up to 5 students TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT: 70 hours KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES: In this internship, I am looking for a flexible team to set Spriggli up with design ideas (including UIX), implementation, user training documentation and marketing strategies as we get the beta version fully tested and proven operational. These work areas are flexible and will be discussed and tailored in support of student strengths and capabilities. 1. Marketing – developing a marketing strategy to grow Spriggli from a core group of users to a solid base of early adopters. 2. Media – video content – editing and production. There will be at least one video project, if and as the team has the capability. Opportunity for more based on the teams. Creation of social media strategy and content. 3. Design ideas – based on the teams’ abilities, this will be around Spriggli design/layout and UIX planning for future reference and planning purposes and Spriggli progresses. This section will include documenting their experiences on boarding with Spriggli, errors, confusions, strong points, design, layout, UIX ideas they have had. This can be based on their own personal experience and ideas from use of the internet and beyond and can grow to expand based on their experience/training. ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES: Timelines and specific deliverables will be determined by the team within the scope of the project areas outlined above. Each task area will be defined in more detail with the team and coached for successful interactions, meeting processes, action logs, and accountability. Each of these areas will require the students unique approaches and insights, with a project lead/co lead to be assigned to each task area based on team capabilities and experience. Each team member will have a chance to lead a project area. Mentorship will be provided along the way with both group learning opportunities and one on one feedback. Students will use a variety of collaborative tools to help them with team time, and in support of individual and group work PROJECT MENTOR NAME: Trish Moroto - Founder

Matches 1
Category Media + 2
Octaza Marketing
Octaza Marketing
Laval, Quebec, Canada

Octaza Marketing - Business Development initiative

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Octaza Marketing is a start-up marketing and business development firm. Its founder, Marie-Elyse Forget is also a lecturer in university and would like to put together an asynchronous online training for entrepreneurs and small businesses. We are looking for a group of students to work on a business development initiative to push summer trainings. HOW MANY STUDENT INTRAPRENEURS WILL THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE?/DE COMBIEN D’ÉTUDIANTS AVEZ-VOUS BESOIN POUR EXÉCUTER CE PROJET? 3 (1 student in content creation, 1 student in writing, 1 student in digital marketing) TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT/TEMPS DE TRAVAIL PAR ÉTUDIANT: [ please indicate either 30 hours, 50 hours, or 70 hours/veuillez indiquer 30, 50 ou 70 heures]: 50 KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Prepare a list of 100 potential clients with names and mailing address. Implement it in a template that will make it easy to print labels Prepare 3 marketing tools (sales trainings flyer, marketing trainings flyer and a capoeira/dda training appendix) Prepare a sales letter and proposal Prepare 8 blog posts and 8 social media posts associated with this initiative IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly. Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement. Creative Passionate about learning and marketing FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: February 2022 PROJECT MENTOR NAME/NOM DU MENTOR DU PROJET: Marie-Elyse Forget LANGUE - LANGUAGE : EN or FR or Bilingual

Matches 2
Category Media + 3
La Connexional
La Connexional
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Venture for Canada Intrapreneurship Project - LaTandao

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: La Connexional is a community focused social enterprise, recently turned creative consulting agency that is run by a team of dedicated individuals and volunteers. We have steadily grown over 4 years, from inaugurating Alberta's only Afro x Latin Festival which grew from 150 guests to over 800 in 3 years; to connecting cross-country, and international networks of creatives, all the while building resilient physical and virtual communities through innovative initiatives, events, and workshops such as LaTandao . Through La Connexional, we have collectively donated over 25,000+ hours; hosted, collaborated on and/or been part of over 60+ community events; worked with and/or featured 150+ creatives and entrepreneurs; welcomed over 3000+ guests both in-person and virtually; established partnerships and lasting relationships with over 100+ businesses and organizations with a reach across Alberta and Canada. Throughout the years, we estimate that we’ve been honored to have contributed (directly and indirectly) to reinvesting over $60K in the African, Black, Caribbean and Latin communities. At La Connexional, we are passionate about doing our part to build capacity within our communities while ensuring we prioritize care, empathy, as well as the personal and professional wellness of the amazing folks that are part of our team. We use Nifty for our project management While the MVP for our LaTandao mobile app is being built, tested, and validated, we are looking to build a user-friendly online directory for African, Black, Caribbean and Latine ( ABCL ) owned businesses in Alberta using a third-party platform that does not require any hard skills in order to start generating exposure about our mobile application while providing a temporary resource to connect our community. The software we invested in does not required any prior software/development skills to build since the tool takes care of all the heavy lifting and the bulk of the work goes into designin g the platform. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: Learn how to efficiently use the Directory Platform through self-learning videos Build and Design the Directory Create a video tutorial to show business how to register their busines on the platform Create presentations and pitch deck for the Alberta LaTandao Directory Raise awareness (media, press, social media) about the directory and reach out to ABCL businesses Manage the directory Publish media content related to their experience building the directory (blog, interview, podcast) IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Project coordinator Public relations and outreach coordinator Communications outreach Social Media Coordinator FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Launch the online directory within the first 4 weeks Reach out to at least 50 ACBL owned businesses Reach out to at least 10 media outlets Present the LaTandao pitch deck to the La Connexional team Publish a media piece WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * Please note we cannot guarantee this number of students for your project, but we will do our best to accommodate this request/Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons garantir ce nombre d'étudiants pour votre projet; nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à votre requête. 4 students maximum

Matches 2
Category Product or service launch + 4
Mademoiselle D Inc. - D Style Cut
Mademoiselle D Inc. - D Style Cut
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Venture for Canada Intrapreneurship Project

PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: [ Be sure to include details about your organization’s culture to sum up why a student would love to work with you/N’oubliez pas d’ajouter des détails sur la culture de votre organisation pour résumer pourquoi un étudiant voudrait collaborer avec vous.] Mademoiselle D and D Style Cut are à creative studio for event branding and home decor. Our mission is to represent the client! We strive to create pieces that scream « oh that so me » or for your bestie tell you « oh yeah that exactly your style ». Creating new things and staying ahead of the trends is always our goal. We'd love to have someone who is creative, and I have some crazy ideas. We need someone who will work on marketing strategy and social media. KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: marketing strategy and branding Create post/storie/reel in social media Create newsletter for promotion and engage client Relaunch our collection Help the financial aspect of the business IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly. Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement. Create a marketing strategic for our online shop Create content for social media Help with the launch campagne for our product create text and design for the newsletter Help for pricing and cash flow FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS YOUR PROJECT COULD ACCOMMODATE?/QUEL EST LE NOMBRE MAXIMUM D'ÉTUDIANTS QUE VOTRE PROJET PEUT ACCUEILLIR? * Please note we cannot guarantee this number of students for your project, but we will do our best to accommodate this request/Veuillez noter que nous ne pouvons garantir ce nombre d'étudiants pour votre projet; nous ferons de notre mieux pour répondre à votre requête. 5 étudiants en francais et anglais.

Matches 1
Category Social media marketing + 4